Precio Apertura, Precio mínimo, Precio máximo, Precio al cierre, Nro. Acciones o lotes negociados, Monto negociado (S/.) Var. día (+/-), Var. día (+/-). 1.70, 1.69 Precio Apertura, Precio mínimo, Precio máximo, Precio al cierre, Nro. Acciones o lotes negociados, Monto negociado (S/.) Var. día (+/-), Var. día (+/-). 9.18, 9.15 Comcast Corp. is a media, entertainment, and communications company, which engages in the provision of video, Internet, and phone services. It operates through the following segments: Cable Communications, Cable Networks, Broadcast Television, Filmed Entertainment, Theme Parks, and Corporate and Other.